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Letter from the Editor

by Tristan Evarts

Dear Reader,

We’ve survived another revolution around the sun, thanks, largely, to you. Your enthusiasm, your support, and your encouragement have kept us afloat. Utopia Science Fiction moves into a bold new year filled with exciting challenges and wonders. When I first started this magazine off I had no idea where it would end up. I thought to myself I would last a few issues and then we’d fold financially and I would chalk it up to a fun experience. But we haven’t folded, we’ve flourished.

I believe firmly in our mission, to bring quality upbeat stories to the world. Because with all the troubles, with all the uncertainty. Sometimes it’s nice not to read dystopian literature that seems so parallel to the current world around us. Sometimes it’s nice to read something upbeat, optimistic, and hopeful. Something to encourage us through the difficult times. Because we have a wonderful future ahead and we’ll get there eventually. 


So here we are at the start of a new year. I welcome you, dear reader, to take a deep breath. To dream with us of better tomorrows and to journey with us as we strive to make it a reality. 


Journey with us through our wonderful lineup of stories this August issue. We’re happy to say that our Patreon supporters spoke up and told us what they’d like to see more of and we listened. We’ll be bringing you more stories, more poems and more science!

To start us off in this bold new issue is the story “Penumbrae” by Christopher Miller introduces us to a world of genius’ and the hunt for life elsewhere. There’s a strong voice to the narration and it makes this quite a fun story.

Next is the short and hilarious story of an unusual gift by an unusual being, by David Chevalier. Franco Amati brings to us a story about a world where introverts rule in his introspective tale “The Meek Have Inherited the Earth”.

In a unique narrative, Gregory Gafni-Pappas’ story takes a documentary-style look at a device that could revolutionize medical technology and services. Nancy Kay Clarke follows suit with “Collapse” a story about reconciliation which provides an interesting glimpse into an Urban Utopia.

Finally in the close of our fiction section is A.G. Gardner’s “Labelling Error” which is a sweet story about the last moments of a closing “Build-a-Baby” store.

Our Poetry section brings you a mix of old and new talents. Starting us off is the gorgeous Aei PhanÄ“s. A beautifully rendered poem capturing the majesty of the sea and the wonder of the stars above written by Russell Hemmell. We have Ken Poyner, Sukarma Rani Thareja, and Tom E. Simmons as returning poets, each having published poems in previous issues. Baishampayan Seal, G.O Clark, Ellizabeth McClellan and David P. Rogers are new. They each bring us fantastic and entertaining poems.

Our science corner is also larger than usual – having brought on not one, but two science articles. One is a reflection on post-scarcity economics by Randall Hayes, the other is an introduction to the field of Biology by Sidra Waqar.

So there we have it, the bigger, better, higher quality first issue of the second volume. You can be sure there’s more amazing things ahead. I want to close with a simple thank you. A huge shout out to the staff, Jonathan S. and Leon Perniciaro for all their incredible work in putting this piece together. Also, I want to extend a huge shout out of gratitude to you, dear reader. Without your support we couldn’t do any of the things we do. If you’d like to receive our eternal gratitude and help us to continue pay authors and artists, please consider supporting us. You can support us through Patreon subscription (for as little as $1 a month (or 0.25c per week)) or through taking a look at our Merchandise store.

Click here to view and subscribe via Patreon.

Click here to see the awesome items we have available, art prints, notebooks, tote bags and a lot more! All featuring cover art from this and past issues. 

Again, my sincere and heartfelt thanks to you, dear reader. Wishing you good health, hope, and safety. Let us always go boldly forward. Ever onward, through the impossible!


Tristan Evarts


Tristan Evarts is the founder and editor-in-chief of Utopia Science Fiction Magazine. He has degrees in English, Philosophy, and Library Science. 


Editorials by Tristan Evarts:

Letter from the Editor, August 2021

Letter from the Editor, April 2021

Letter from the Editor, December 2020
Letter from the Editor, October 2020

Letter from the Editor, August 2020
Letter from the Editor, June 2020
Letter from the Editor, April 2020
Letter from the Editor, February 2020
Letter from the Editor, December 2019
Letter from the Editor, October 2019
Letter from the Editor, August 2019

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