Help support our continuing mission to publish extraordinary stories of hopeful futures and to continue to pay our authors and artists for their work.
Job Offer
By Alexander Hay
WANTED: Sponge Hermit.
LOCATION: Northern Reclamation Zone 45b.
SALARY: Competitive (+ Benefits).
CONTRACT: Two years in the first instance.
PLACED ON: 01 October 2143.
DEADLINE: 31 October 2143, at 23:59 WET*.
JOB REF: RET-344-A5.
* Western European Time, instituted in 2046, and replacing GMT/BST.
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Are you as one with the Wilds? Are you compliant with auto-cleansing standard 49b? Are your implants able to absorb and neutralise the fallout, toxins, bio-weapons and pollution left behind by the Damned Generations? Then Portslea Borough Council wants you!
Job Offer
by Alexander Hay
Perchance to Dream
by C.J. Peterson
Rocket Boy
by Sam Pisciotta
Neil Kaskoun
Richard Stahnke
Amy Tudor
William Levenberg
David Weigham
Alicia Krupsky
Andre Bertolino
Jennifer Lemming
Lindsey Morrison Grant
Alex Botovik
Jeff Mann
Anna Taxén
Ali Jamalzadeh
Kate Conrad
Martin Brisebois
Ollie Panton
Marge Simon
Kenneth Vonderberg
The Elegy Given Upon the Death of Helen, Leading Astrobiologist
by Eren Branch
In the Dreambot Simulation Laboratory
by Lila Goldstein
Reflections of a Foreign Exchange Student Grown Old
by Elizabeth R. McClellan
Joan of Arkansas
by Keech Ballard
Letter from the Editor
by Tristan Evarts
The Star by H.G. Wells
Interview with Chris Moore
Interview with Oliver Steinbeck
Little Green Men by Bob Maschi
Utopia is not the end of progress, but the first step on an even bigger journey. Dare to leap into a world where hope defines us.
Utopia Science Fiction Magazine’s mission is to publish stories that shine with a more optimistic future, one we all want to believe in. This anthology collects some of the best stories published from 2019-2023.
Included in this special five year anthology are exclusive interviews with staff and volunteers, introductions to the stories and poems by the authors themselves, and interviews with amazing talent such as James Gurney and Joe Haldeman. This book also includes gorgeous new artwork commissioned especially for this anthology.
Authors Included: Krysten Lipp * Jessica Andrewartha * Penny Sebring Leigh * Kara Race-Moore * Dawn Vogel * Gabrielle Bleu * Adam Slavny * Loren Hall * Gwen C. Katz * Patrice Sarath * Raima Larter * Calie Voorhis * Alex Singer * Karl El-Koura * Timothy Hickson * Mahmud El Sayed * Andrew Najberg * Clare L. Deming * Nadine Aurora Tabing * Kelly Kurtzhals Geiger * Sterling Warner * LindaAnn LoSchiavo * Louis Gallo * Carmen Lucía Alvarado * Christopher Collingwood * Lisa Timpf * Elizabeth R. McClellan * Lynn White * Avra Margariti * Colleen Anderson * Lorraine Schein * Kim Whysall-Hammond * Eva Papasoulioti * Januário Esteves * Lauren McBride * Brian Hugenbuch * Jordan Hirsch * Beth Cato and Rhonda Parrish